PH Austria

Six Minute Walk Test – Z-Score Calculator for the Walking Distance in Children and Adolescents

The Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) measures the distance walked by the participant in 6 minutes. It is a simple and accurate method to measure functional exercise capacity in children if carried out in a standardized way (J Pediatr (2007) 150(4):395-9, 399.e1-2). By inserting age or height and sex in the appropriate field individual Z-scores (SD scores) are calculated. These Z-scores will assist in measuring the change in exercise capacity over time (growth), during clinical monitoring in chronical illness, after an intervention or in clinical research in children and adolescents.

This application was implemented by PH Austria – Initiative Lungenhochdruck and the Lung Kids Research Foundation (Lungenkinder Forschungsverein) under the direction of Chairman Gerald Fischer in collaboration with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralf Geiger, Director Pediatrics III (Cardiopulmonary Unit), Dept. of Child and Adolescent Health, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

We would like to thank Harald Trautsch and his team from Blue Monkeys for the generous support and excellent implementation of this website.

Please note: the Z-scores presented here apply to the modified 6MWT only (reference data published in Eur J Pediatr (2015) 174:837–840). Measuring the Six Minute Walk Test (6MWD) “conventionally” (without a measuring wheel) by either counting the laps or measuring the covered distance on the floor would yield lower distances and therefore lower Z-scores since the distance of lap turns is not recorded.